What was unique about the bridal party’s attire?
Malia and Jeremy’s wedding day featured some absolutely stunning choices but one of my favorites was the bridal party’s dresses. Malia decided to have her girls steer away from the more traditional bridesmaid’s attire and go with some bold patterns and stunning silhouettes. The girls all looked amazing and you could tell it made them and the bride enjoy the beautiful day even more!!
What was special about the first time the bride and groom saw each other?
The first look between a bride and groom on a wedding day is one of my favorite moments on a wedding day and Malia and Jeremy’s first look was no exception. The couple’s excitement as they built up to seeing each other was palpable, followed by the relief and security that came over them once they finally got to hold each other was moving beyond belief. It was clear that this couple really loved each other and were ready to spend the rest of their lives together!
Were there any unique traditions that made the ceremony memorable?
Malia and Jeremy had a couple special traditions at their ceremony that made it extra special to the cousin. The first was a small sand ceremony, where the couple took two vials of sand and combined them into one as a representation of the blending of their lives and families. The second came after the couple said “I do.” On their way back up the aisle, Malia and Jeremy decided to pay homage to the groom’s time in the Navy by walking through a sword arch!!